FREE use of Camera & Studio in QNL

Get free use of a digital camera, and use of a fully equipped photo studio complete with lighting, absolutely free for two hours at Qatar National Library.

I’m going to say that again. FREE! For anyone who is a member of the library.

And membership is free as well.

All you have to do is use your QNL App to pre-book your free 2-hour session. Yes, you must pre-book.

And you get the room, the camera and the lights all to yourself for a two hour sessioon.

It’s called the Green Screen room, because, well, it’s got a green screen.

However, I did discover that there is a lot of echo in the room.

The only negative I can think of is that the room, acoustically, isn’t that great. It’s got quite a bit of an echo going on here. So it’s more of a photography studio than a videography. But it’s free.
