The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second-best time is today.

The best time to plant a tree

I’m reading an excellent book at the moment titled ‘The Power of Regret’ by Daniel H. Pink.

I think this book is going to rise to a position in my top 5 non-fiction books. I very much recommend it to you.

Here’s an excerpt:-

“A fifty-seven-year-old nonbinary person in Oregon regretted:

            Not taking antidepressants in 2002 when first prescribed, and waiting until 2010. They have been a godsend, and I regret that those eight years could have been so much different had I started earlier.

        Embedded in each of these regrets is a solution. Just as foundation regrets can be defined with a well-worn fable, one response to them is contained in a hoary Chinese proverb:
        The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago.
        The second-best time is today.”

Excerpt From
The Power of Regret
Daniel H. Pink
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Cover of the book The Power of Regret
Daniel H. Pink